Speech is, well, speech.

It seems that every sub, self- identified grievance group wishes to have it’s name attached to some sort of “hate speech” legislation.

Some of these “grievance groups” are huge. Islam for example. Some are minute “trans people” for example .

Many of the whole range of diverse groups wishes to have some form of speech prorogued in order to avoid offense falling on their ears and eyes. Some of them deploy activist outrage in order to drive home their point that whatever has offended them has REALLY offended them. And for a few the implicit threat of force is included in the activism. Salman Rushdie and Charlie Hebdo are grotesque examples and there are plenty of lesser ones.

And now we have that phenomenon of our modern world – cancel culture. A mostly digital representation of the worst aspects of the Terror in France and lynchings in the USA. The motivating factor in all cases is insane levels of anger aimed at destroying as much of a person as possible.

Free Speech , vigorously defended, is the ONLY antidote to this mob insanity. Reasonable people from all sides MUST speak out, every time these egregious attacks happen. We must be “out there” talking logic and reason. We must be pointing out the utter insanity of this behavior and we must not leave the field to the mob.

Free speech is powerful and fragile. Once lost it is incredibly hard to recover. Once governments discover they can pander to the mob by reducing Freedom of Speech is there any doubt, at all, that they will continue to do it? The UK has become an awful example of this. They even have policemen tracking down offenders who dare to post something controversial on-line that “offended” someone. This in a country that used to revel in Free Speech.

Speak out.

Utinam populus Romanus sed unam cervicem haberet!

Translation “Would that the Roman people had but one neck!” attributed to Caligula – Emperor of Rome 37-41 AD.

Caligula’s rule as Emperor is littered with reports of cruelty, insanity, torture, wanton killing, a long list of possibly debatable stories. The quote is his expression of his desire to be able to rid Rome of it’s people by hewing through one neck.

Where can we see this being expressed in our modern times?

The insane drive by the British Government to move everyone in the country from using natural gas for heating and for cooking, the drive to move everything to one energy supply – electricity. This is being done to achieve their “climate goal” of Net Zero – no carbon emissions.

To do this the UK has built 10,793 Wind Turbines with a stated capacity of  24.2 GW. Capacity is a word that means “what this generator could produce in ideal conditions”. Then there is what it actually produces over time as wind conditions vary and the less wind there is the power produced is dramatically reduced. Wind turbines deliver between 15 to 30 % of their capacity. Now there are reports from the UK Wind Industry that the offshore wind capacity factor has approached 40% .

Solar has an installed capacity of 13.5 GW and a capacity factor of around 10%.

These two renewable sources are unreliable. Not enough sunshine and Solar is reduced, not enough wind and Wind is reduced. At night there is no solar of course. The only way to keep the grid stable is by using electric power generators, nuclear, gas and “bio mass”. These non renewables have to be up and running all the time in order to make up the shortfalls in solar and wind.

There is no solution yet in sight for this. There is talk that battery storage will enable the grid to achieve stability but the cost is astronomical and still there is no idea when such batteries could even begin to be deployed that could supply power to the grid for an extended time.

The demands on this shaky grid arrangement are, by government decree in the UK about to skyrocket. The UK wants to only have electrical vehicles (cars, buses, trucks – everything) all of which will need vast amounts of electrical power to be charged from the grid. Plus the Government has also decreed that all appliances must be electric and so must all heating.

Finally – energy use in the UK will skyrocket in the coming two to three decades. Why? Immigration. The population of the UK in 1970 was 55,650,166 by 2022 it had risen to 67,508,936 an increase of 21.3%.  How is this vastly increased electrical demand to be met?


What the UK has, in abundance, is shale gas, coal, and sometimes wind. What it does not have in abundance is sunshine.


The UK Government under the leadership of Quasi-conservatives has committed the country to one over-arching energy goal. To have no carbon emissions of any kind by 2035 , a plan referred to as Net Zero.

Currently there is one reliable and scalable Net Zero source of electrical grid supply – and that is Nuclear power. And , of course the UK Government has gone full bore on shutting down it’s Nuclear Program. Insane? Well, yes, of course it is. But wait! It gets worse.

So that leaves Britain with three sources of “no emissions ” power production. Solar, Wind and Wood.

Wood? Wait – wood? Yes, wood. The Drax power station in the UK which is set up to provide 2.6 GW of electricity from “bio-mass”. Bio-Mass is basically minced wood chips produced from wholesale cutting of forests in Louisiana. By some tortuous mental logistics this has been deemed a “renewable energy source” by the International Institute of Insane Climate Science because when wood burns it gives off CO2 BUT the trees of the world absorb CO2 as they grow therefore there is no net gain of CO2. But what it carefully avoids is the 20 year extra build up of CO2…

Speech, free or not?

The USA is one of the few countries in the world where Freedom of Speech is a part of the very structure of the country and is enshrined in its founding documents.

But as many have pointed out, the First Amendment is a stricture laid upon the GOVERNMENT. The government may not prohibit speech that it does not like, thinks is inimical , is abusive of the government. Government agents may not prevent any citizen from speaking or uttering in any fashion.

But that does not extend to private companies or individuals from doing so. For example a private company can forbid an employee from commenting on anything to do with the company to anyone inside or outside of the company itself – this does not deny or transgress the First Amendment. In someone’s home they can tell a visitor that they may not use foul language and to show them the door if they do not obey. Again the home owner is not bound by the First Amendment.

The Government cannot, also, compel our speech. I do not have to express an agreement with the government against my will.

So where do free and compelled speech by Government entities impinge the most?

State funded Colleges. Colleges like University of Colorado and Colorado State may not restrict free speech and may not compel speech. Yet around the USA there are colleges, funded by the State that attempt to enforce speech codes, attempt to strongarm people into using someone’s preferred “pronoun”. It is not the purview of the government to be regulating and enforcing speech.

Yet it still does.

More stupidity about climate change in the United Kingdom

A recent article in that bastion of intellectual analysis, The Sun newspaper in the UK published a lovely piece of drivel about how the Government MUST create “thousands of  plumbers” who will be need to install heat pumps to “fight rising energy bills”.

That headline manages to enclose acres of horse puckey – in 15 words the Sun manages to miss every important point about a) heat pumps b) fighting rising energy bills c) thousands of plumbers.

The link to the article is t the end of this post.

a) Heat pumps – are not actually effective in heating houses. They are loud and then run constantly. And they are very expensive to install and your hot water heating will need supplementation. They are NOT cheap to run.

b) there is no evidence, at all, that heat Pumps reduce the cost of heating. They use a lot of electricity and heat to low levels that require – in most cases -spot heating (also electricity driven) to warm sedentary locations to an acceptable level of comfort. It is the electricity price in the UK that is spiking right now – and which will not be going down – and it is electricity that powers heat pumps.

c) If “thousands of plumbers” are to be recruited what happens when the conversion slows down? what will these surplus of plumbers do then?

The article contains this stupid quote from some “researcher” named Amy Norman “we need government to call up a generation of climate heroes” . If that sounds familiar (and it should) the Heroic Worker is a PR construct of the USSR and Soviet Propaganda. Hero Projects were the standard of industrializing the Soviet Union. As a classic example – Chernobyl was a “Hero Project” when the Soviet Union built it, it became another “Hero Project” when it blew up.

That some “researcher” (as an aside what on earth does Amy Norman ‘research’? Old Soviet documents?) opines that the Uk should adopt Soviet tactics to push through a project that is going to crucify the working class with crippling expenses.


What can I do? First steps

Easy does it!

I have had conversations with other conservatives over the past few years about the need to get out of Google and off Twitter and Facebook. I have become, I think, fairly well known for my skepticism about Google and the rest.

When we have had these conversations there have been one or two common themes that come up. The first main objection is that Google has “free stuff” ranging from email, to Google Docs to Youtube. And that “I have used my google email for so long and for so many log ins…”.

Another theme is – “I am on FB just to keep in touch with or reachable by old friends.” or ” I like messenger” .

As regards Twitter most conservatives I speak to have not been on it much and despise it!

But the entanglements can be a real problem. So here is an idea or two to help get you started.

Listen up!!!! Most IMPORTANT

The first thing we each need to do is to lose the idea that “free stuff” is actually free. That “Free email” that Google has just gifted to you? Along with it you have given them the rights to scan the content of your emails.

Google as a company makes its money from selling access and insight to various demographics and user types. Now I am NOT saying that Google sells your personal data – I am not sure that it does. What it does sell is aggregated data and habits that marketers and others can use to target you with ads, suggestions, offers etc.

Google has become extremely wealthy doing this. And they have chosen to use their wealth and their expertise to control the way people think, the way they communicate and whether they will be allowed to talk about things that they wish to talk about. Google are authoritarian, they are not “liberal”. They fund many ideas and projects designed to make each person think in agreement with them.

Google actively censors people and organizations that it disagrees with. It searches out ways to justify banning someone or something but the decision to ban is taken before the justification.

Google has defunded people it does not like from making money getting subscriptions to videos on Youtube merely because it disagrees with the politics of the poster. It does so arbitrarily and on whim and only backtracking when the outcry is too much to ignore.

So how does one start to disentangle oneself from the Death Star of GoogleTwitterFacebook?

This is going to be a bit of a project. It begins with a first step

Step 1. Lose the idea that the internet is full of really great free stuff. It is not. If you are not paying for it and if you are not in control of what you pay for – then YOU are the product that is being sold.

Step 2 : Find an email service that is private and which you pay for.

There is one that I know and have experience with and which I endorse.

Hushmail – it has been around a long time. They actually offer a free service but – there are restrictions. I would recommend their paid service. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not fall back into the “free mindset” maybe test Hushmail for a couple of weeks to see if you can become familiar with it but swap to an account that YOU pay for.

Now, please note , this will require YOU to start paying attention to your email and how it is handled. You will be paying for it and you want it to work for you.

My other suggestion is to do it yourself. Register a domain name for your own usage. Find a web hosting site that is not part of amazon and set up your own email account. It is fairly simple to set up – but it involves you in paying to register a domain and to pay for web hosting. You can usually find deals on the initial domain registration and initial hosting package but be sure to crunch the numbers and be sure to have an idea what the regular price might be.

OK that’s my first first two steps. One involves you adopting a new mindset and the second is going to involve you in actually doing something and it will be both fiddly and frustrating but it will be, ultimately, freeing.

Once you have got yourself your own email and it is working then go to my next steps.

Newby six months into job demands raise

Airhead Of Congress – AOC

The Airhead Of Congress has decided that the job she wanted and ran for does not pay enough. She could, of course, quit and return to her former profession in the hospitality industry. Where, no doubt, she earned much more than she is getting in Washington DC.

Not one product , nothing produced – at all – six months into the job and already deciding she needs to vote for a raise for herself.

Socialism – it’s a disease AND an infestation.

Ruling the “conversation”

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes is the latest flibbertigibbet to adorn the national political stage. She did something remarkable which was to oust a hardcore Democrat partisan in a primary election for a Congressional House Seat in the Bronx in New York.

It was a smart piece of work, excellently executed and it was nice to see a dagger to the heart of the entrenched Pelosi crowd.

Winning the general election was a walk in the park because, in the district, a porcupine who ran with a D after it’s name would win.

Like all newbies Ms Ocasio-Cortes is full of wanting to appear impressive. Nothing wrong with that, it’s what young people do.

But the conservative reaction to her has been, truthfully, ludicrous. While it seems a slam dunk to make fun of someone who has pulled some real howlers and who, on a regular basis says things which are, truthfully, hyperbole and vague hogwash, it is actually futile.

Wait a moment! What is wrong with making fun of someone who is all puffed up and idiotic at the same time? She’s a natural target – right?

Well yes, I guess that’s true. But one HUGE thing is being missed. Every time we blow up what she says we are making the conversation about her ideas. People will remember what was being talked about and it won’t be conservative things. It will leftist claptrap.

But surely people will see… ? Well, no they will not. Ocasio-Cortes with all her juvenile bluster and balderdash won her election. People voted for her because she was a “D”. Keep making her the focus of attention and the likelihood is that more people will turn out to vote for her.

The GOP are never going to be able to get her voted out of her district no matter how many memes they produce. The only thing that will get rid of her is a Dem hatchet person with good backing in the district.

For anyone who really wants to dispute my assertion I refer you to the 2016 Presidential Election. Whose talking points were being talked about and discussed, attacked and ridiculed?

DJT. And he won.

Gun control and the working class.

Plutocrat Michael Bloomberg, New York billionaire. funds gun control efforts across the USA. Ever wonder why?

It’s not because he is interested in socialism because – as the quote below shows – Karl Marx is not in favor of taking guns away from the working class.

“The whole proletariat must be armed at once with muskets, rifles, cannon and ammunition… Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary.” Karl Marx

Bloomberg is protected by armed security and yet he sends millions of dollars to candidates he deems will support gun control measures.

The mistake here is to think that “gun control” is a progressive virtue. It is not. It is a repressive action designed to hold the working class in check. Gun control is the means by which the Plutocracy hope to impose an armed police force upon an unarmed working class.

“Yet now of all times, at the present revolutionary moment, it is most urgent and essential that there be a universal arming of the people. To assert that, while we have a revolutionary army, there is no need to arm the proletariat, or that there would “not be enough” arms to go round, is mere deception and trickery. The thing is to begin organizing a universal militia straight away, so that everyone should learn the use of arms even if there is “not enough” to go round, for it is not at all necessary that the people have enough weapons to arm everybody. The people must learn, one and all, how to use arms, they must belong, one and all, to the militia which is to replace the police and the standing army.” VI Lenin

Both Marx and Lenin viewed the formation of armed police and a standing army separate from the people as being a repressive step to impose control over them.

And yet, here we are, watching the new socialist “left” attempting to impose precisely that situation upon the working class. Paid for by billionaires.

Does anyone seriously think that white privileged “intellectuals” banding together to disarm black and white members of the proletariat alike and, at the same time defending the right of Plutocrats and their affluent white toadies to armed protection from the forces that they control are actually “socialists”?


The chimera that is the Labor Theory of Value

The Labor/Marxist theory of value only holds up in one on one bartering – where I ask you to make something for me and you price it out to include your labor. It still only holds up if – you are the sole supplier of the item or service I wish to buy – and I have the means to pay for it. As soon as there is more supply or choice then value becomes determined by “the market” (The Wealth of Nations).

The L/MTV is based upon the feudal idea of an intrinsic fair price which is what Guilds pushed to avoid the creation of a market that would reduce prices. Which is only feasible in a closed system with no external inputs or supply. If you live in a village in a forest and everything is “two weeks distant” and there is one person who is skilled enough to make good shoes or boots – then you could determine a theoretical “intrinsic fair price”. Guilds EXCLUDED practitioners and used the power of the local law to deny people outside the Guild the right to do the work. But the minute someone else starts making shoes and boots and does it cheaper and with quality enough to attract business at that price – suddenly LTV wanders away.