Advancing Socialism under the banner of Hate

It is a simple fact of modern life that the left has been advancing its agenda and cause under the battle banner of Hate.

Disagreement with the socialist agenda is labeled as “hate speech”. Failure to enthusiastically agree with the latest insane pronouncement about racism in America, or Trangender Rights – gets labeled as “hate speech”. Someone going to a University to deliver a lecture on the Rights of the Individual will be labeled, in advance, as both “divisive” and “hate speech”. The word “hate” is bandied around in Liberal Speak almost as much as the word “racist”. Neither word is correct – but labeling people with stark, alarming and frankly threatening words is all part of Agit-Prop – the Leninist idea of advancing the cause through agitation and propaganda.

The left brooks no idea of discussion or give and take. The Left’s idea of give and take is; people give, the party takes. The idea of of “discussion” is that it is the audience’s job to shut up, sit down and listen. Applaud at the end. The only sound they wish to hear is enthusiastic and subservient cheering.

You might think that I am exaggerating for effect. I wish I was. But no.

Don’t believe me? Go look at Twitter and see how they behave. Give yourself a day or two of watching the stream of sewage that flows effortlessly from the left and you will be ready to get quit of Twitter nd its twits and move over to Parler or some other place where the unrestrained hatred of the left is, for the moment, non-existent.

Hate, the word, the use, the banners is the stock in trade of the Left. They hate opponents, they hate disagreement, they hate individuals and they hate people.

They do, however, love the exercise of power. The will do or say almost anything to get into power.