What does “Matter”?

The group, Black Lives Matter, is not a group to fight racism. It is clear from their literature that they are about getting some racism of their own approved and working. If they were “against racism” they would have joined in campaigning against the blatantly racist policies of New York High Schools against Asian students when it comes to applying for the better schools within the NY Public School System (To be honest I was immensely surprised that there are public schools in NY that are good – it was nice to hear that ) but apparently the admitting process to the limited number of places has been configured to reduce the chances of Asian students getting in. Didn’t see “racist fighting” BLM in the forefront of the fight against this egregious example of systemic racism within NYC. Why not? Didn’t see any virtue signaling celebrities producing videos decrying the anti-asian bias embodied in the policy of the NY School System. NOT A WORD.

Their concern for “Black Lives” does not extend to protesting and actively campaigning against the corrupt administration in Chicago that has been overseeing the ongoing black on black slaughter that has been going on for years in the city. Preferring instead to criticize the police and forever ignoring the Aldermen and Mayors that have done nothing to end the carnage. NOT A WORD.

I think that there IS a “systemic reason” why they are invisible on most NYC admissions, Black on Black crime in Chicago, They are not seeking an end to racism. It is why their rhetoric adopts a preference for racial punishment. It is because the Organization that calls itself “Black Lives Matter” is not “fighting racism” . It is using the buzz words of “fighting racism” to carve out a piece of the influence peddling on the hard left of American politics. It is an organization making a move to bolster the ability of the hard left to influence and back off certain segments of the voting public. The Left battle plan for achieving power relies, heavily, on the Balkanization of the US middle and working classes. Let me explain;

The maxim “Black lives matter” has but one sane response “Yes, they do”.

Note I made no qualification didn’t add any context such as “but all lives matter of course”. Just the simple statement and the only possible response to it. But that is not what the Organization that has taken that statement as its name actually want people to do. They want to segue from that to the nebulous “ you are evil racists and must do as we demand” . The two things “Black Lives Matter” and “Endemic racism is the problem” have no logical connection – Black lives matter because they are human life, and that principle is true for all of us. In the USA every citizen , every resident has the right to have their personal rights respected by the government and the minions of government – without exception.

And THAT concept is something that we can all work towards. The Founders of this country set the Republic up to do exactly that – it is supposed ot be a country of laws and respect for individual liberty. How can we all, all of us, work to make that happen? How can we ensure that the police, in every interaction they are involved are working to ensure that the rights of the individual are respected and preserved while doing their job? It cannot be based on “race” because we are are a country of many races. We are a country of individuals and not working on that is where the system breaks down – when it does.

Black lives Matter is a simple statement that has been hijacked.