Why does anyone believe Biden’s administration?

Just recently we have seen the Biden administration and it’s hyenas in Congress and its jackals in the press explode with fury at an imaginary outrage. They have yapped out in loud chorus about how Border Patrol on horseback “whipped” Haitian illegal immigrants  attempting to enter the USA.  It was clear from the video they were whipping themselves up to a frenzy about did NOT show the Border Patrol “whipping” anyone.

In fact – all videos of the “incident” and testimony from those who took the videos merely show horsemen with split reins attempting to use their horses to block the forward progress of the illegals. Nothing else. Even on the soundtrack there is no evidence of animosity from the Border Patrol, merely men doing their job.

The manufactured outrage from the Biden campaign and the cohorts of the agit-prop department is verifiably false. Why are the Republicans in Congress not calling them out on their lying – and doing so loudly and repeatedly.

Leftists ALWAYS lie. We need to stop treating with them like they are talking in good faith – they are not.